Paul Moller has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, the Discovery Channel and numerous other broadcasts as the man bringing us closer in touch with the cartoon of our childhoods. Who remembers watching the "Jetsons" and daydreaming about how cool it would be if your family had a flying car? Well Paul Moller must have really liked that cartoon because he has spent the few decades of his life trying to make his dreams come true. After fourty years of development,"Dr. Paul Moller, announced recently that production would begin on the company's M200G volantor, a UFO-esque hovercraft that apparently can 'glide over terrain at 50 MPH.' " Unfortunately with a price tag of $1million, I don't see this as being the popular commuting trend anytime soon.
There are many sceptics as to whether Mr. Moller will actually be able to bring the 'Skycar' into production, as he has said it was only a few years away for the past 30 years. However, maybe this is just a case of technology having to catch up to innovation. Even if Moller had been able to produce and market the 'Skycar' decades ago, there would have been no way to manage personal flying machines until just recently. NASA has recently been working on a computer system that could potentially make these machines a reality. It can make flying easy and manage all the new traffic. "It is called, 'The Highway in the Sky', and here's how it works: In a NASA animation, pilots focus on main screen. It's very much like a Video game. (YEAH!!!) Keep the plane inside the box, away from other vehicles, and the plane's computers automatically guide them towards their destination. They can even follow the highway down to the ground." Gamers be warned: YOU ARE NO LONGER PLAYING A GAME, SHOOTING SHIPS IN FRONT OF YOU IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND NO POINTS WILL BE REWARDED.
So when I win I the Lotto and can afford to get a flying car, I'll let you know how it rides. However, since it only hovers around 10 feet max. right now, I hope it comes with a horn.
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